a. Information presented is believed to be current. It should not be viewed as personalized investment advice. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors on the date of publication and may change in response to market conditions. You should consult with a professional advisor before implementing any strategies discussed. Content should not be viewed as an offer to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned or as legal or tax advice. You should always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation.
e. Third-party rankings and recognition from rating services and publications do not guarantee future investment success. Working with a highly-rated adviser also does not ensure that a client or prospect will experience a higher level of performance. These ratings should not be viewed as an endorsement of the adviser by any client and do not represent any specific client’s evaluation. Generally, ratings, rankings and recognition are based on information provided by the adviser. Please contact the adviser for more information regarding how these rankings and ratings were formulated.