An Independent Retirement, Social Security, Medicare, Long Term Care, Income Tax, and Estate Planning Firm. Serving Clients since 1982.

Fraser Allport – Fiduciary

Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC

For All Your Financial Needs

Fraser Allport is a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ with 40 Years of Experience.

Fraser can help answer your DROP, Def. Comp.,
403b, Social Security and Medicare questions.

Fraser Allport, a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™
with 40 Years of Experience, specializes inSocial Security
claiming strategies.

Fraser Allport, Fiduciary, offers his Educational Workshop for Income Tax Planning :

“ The 10 Minute Tax-Tune-Up ”

Income Tax Reduction Made Easy.

How to Stop Over-Paying Your Income Taxes.

Are You Needlessly Over-Paying Your Income Taxes ?

Find out by taking Fraser Allport’s simple

Most people needlessly over-pay their Income Taxes, simply because they do not avail themselves of all that is available to them in the IRS Code.

Fraser’s proprietary 10 Minute Tax Tune-Up is only eight questions.

In 10 minutes, you will know if you are needlessly overpaying your Income Taxes, and how to remedy that.

All the answers are in the IRS Code.

Learn and utilize what’s available to you … right in the IRS Code. Just follow The Law

Most Americans over-pay their Income Taxes for
one simple reason : They are not aware of all of the available tax deductions in the IRS Code.

You are probably over-paying your Income Taxes … Needlessly.

Don’t over-pay your Taxes. Pay The Right Amount.

Income Taxes are The Forever Bill. They never amortize or end.

You will pay Income Taxes after you are dead, on your final Tax Return.

That says it all.

Your Income Taxes are The Largest Single Expense in your Life.

What other bill devours 20% to 40% of everything that you do and earn, until the day that you die?

But Income Taxes are a Variable Expense.

Your Income Tax Bill can, and must, be proactively managed.

It’s very simple: You need to learn what’s in the IRS Code for YOU !

Fraser’s 10 Minute Tax Tune-Up does that.

Needlessly over-paying your Income Taxes is the ultimate in Wasting Money.

You might as well just burn your Money, truly.

How long are you going to continue to throw away your own money by needlessly over-paying your Income Tax bill?

And how many years has this been going on?

Stop writing ugly checks to the IRS. Needlessly.

Get Proactive and Get Involved in reducing your Income Tax bill.

That’s “ Free Cash Flow ” right to your Bottom Line.

A smaller tax bill may help you to offset today’s Inflation, right ?


Schedule your no obligation Complimentary Consultation with Fraser Allport, specializing in Retirement, Medicare, Tax and Estate Planning, and Deferred Compensation at :

Or Call Fraser at 386.882.6256

Fraser Allport is a DROP, 403b and Def. Comp’ Specialist. He is a Fiduciary, and Certified Estate Planner ™ with 40 Years of Experience.

Fraser has been in Business for 5 Decades.

Experience Matters.

Your Retirement will depend on how much planning you put into it.


It is never too early to plan for your Retirement.


Schedule your no obligation Complimentary Consultation with Fraser Allport, specializing in Retirement, Medicare, Tax and Estate Planning, and Deferred Compensation at :


All of Fraser’s prior DROP articles are archived at :


Fraser is a Certified Estate Planner ™

See Fraser's Estate Planning services here



Watch Fraser’s Educational Videos on
his YouTube channel



Fraser's Biography, Services, and Credentials are at :



Follow Money and Markets at :



Client references are available for you to speak with upon request.


Be Smart with Your Money. Make certain you are


Experience Matters