An Independent Retirement, Social Security, Medicare, Long Term Care, Income Tax, and Estate Planning Firm. Serving clients since 1982.
Florida DROP Library
Fraser Allport is a Specialist in the DROP Program. Fraser has been a Self-Employed Independent Advisor for 42 Years. He will educate you on your DROP choices. Fraser will guide you through the DROP exit process to ensure that all of your Retirement Needs and Goals are met. Fraser offers you a Complimentary Phone Consultation to help you with the following DROP issues, and any other financial questions on your mind as well.
Learn more about the different aspects of Florida’s DROP. Click on the informative articles below, then call Fraser Allport to set up your no obligation Complimentary Phone Consultation.
Schedule a no obligation Complimentary Consultation with Fraser :
Retirement Planning in Daytona Beach, FL: Secure Your Future
Annuity Insurance in Ormond Beach: Secure Your Retirement
Understanding Annuity Rates in Palm Coast, FL
Immediate Annuities: Secure Your Retirement Income Today
Best Roth IRA for Beginners: Start Your Retirement Right
Daytona Beach: Finding the Right Financial Advisor
Financial Planning in Ormond Beach: Secure Your Future
Financial Advisor – Americans Aren’t Ready for Retirement
401(k) Plans in Ormond Beach, Florida
Daytona Beach Shores: Estate Planning with Life Insurance
Longevity Planning is The New Retirement Planning
Fraser Allport – Fiduciary Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC For All Your Financial Needs Fraser can help answer your DROP, Def. Comp., 403b, Social Security and Medicare questions. Fraser Allport, a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™with 42 Years of Experience,...
Women’s Unique Retirement Planning Needs
Fraser Allport – Fiduciary Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC For All Your Financial Needs Fraser Allport is a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ with 42 Years of Experience. Fraser can help answer your DROP, Def. Comp., 403b, Social Security and Medicare...
8 Simple Tips for Estate Planning
Fraser Allport – Fiduciary Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC For All Your Financial Needs Fraser Allport is a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ with 42 Years of Experience. Fraser can help answer your DROP, Def. Comp., 403b, Social Security and Medicare...
10 Minute Tax Tune-Up
Fraser Allport – Fiduciary Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC For All Your Financial Needs Fraser Allport is a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ with 40 Years of Experience. Fraser can help answer your DROP, Def. Comp., 403b, Social Security and Medicare...
Social Security Changes for 2023
Fraser Allport – Fiduciary Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC For All Your Financial Needs Fraser Allport is a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ with 40 Years of Experience. Fraser can help answer your DROP, Def. Comp., 403b, Social Security and Medicare...
Fraser’s Financial Services Overview
Fraser Allport – Fiduciary Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC For All Your Financial Needs Fraser Allport is a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ with 40 Years of Experience. Fraser can help answer your DROP, Def. Comp., 403b, Social Security and Medicare...
How to invest your DROP Lump Sum
With 42 Years of Experience in Financial Services, Fraser Allport can help you with all your DROP, Medicare, Social Security and Retirement questions. Be a Good Shepherd of Your Money. Work with a Good Steward of Your Money. Talk with Fraser … an...
Need Help with DROP, Social Security, and Medicare?
Because you participate in The Florida Retirement System’s DROP . . . Now is the time to be even more attentive and proactive about your Money. Fraser Allport is a Fiduciary, an Investment Advisor, and a Certified Estate Planner ™ with 42 Years of...
Get Your Complimentary “Social Security Benefits Planner”
You may need to pay income taxes on a portion of your Social Security benefits based on your income. Knowing the rules can help you minimize your tax liability as much as possible. Understanding Provisional Income Your Social Security benefits' taxability...
How to Minimize Your Social Security Taxes
Income Taxes are The Forever Bill. They are often a person’s single largest expense. Even after Death. Your Estate may even pay Income Taxes on your final tax return after your death. That says it all. Most Americans needlessly overpay their Income...
Retirement Rule #1: Don’t Risk or Lose Your Principal
How Market Volatility Affects Retirement Planning Recent market volatility has reaffirmed the reality that markets fall faster than they rise. Many retirees have experienced significant losses in wealth, security, and peace of mind, causing delays or derailment...
Maximize Social Security with Spousal Strategies
Starting your Social Security Benefits will be one of the most important financial decisions of your entire Life. Your Social Security check will be with you for the rest of your Life. Literally. Plus, Social Security elections are irrevocable after 12...
10 Tips for a Successful Retirement
From Fraser Allport, The Total Advisor™ 386.882.6256 Fraser’s “ 10 Step System ” helps you take control of your finances, health, and well-being with a holistic approach, so that your Retirement is the best chapter in Your Life Story. Asking yourself, “ When can I...
Plan Your DROP and Retirement Like a Wedding
Planning Your DROP and Retirement Like a Wedding If you were planning a wedding, how far in advance would you start? Probably about two years, right? Your retirement, much like a wedding, is a significant life event. Yet, many DROP participants only start...
It’s time to get ready for Medicare Open Enrollment
Get Ready for Medicare Open Enrollment Medicare Open Enrollment runs from October 15 to December 7 each year. However, you can preview next year’s health plans and prescription drug plans starting on October 1. Premiums for Medicare Advantage Plans are historically...
What to expect in Your Retirement
What does Retirement look like in Our Lifetime ? • Living Longer According to Stanford University … This generation of Retirees needs to plan for possibly living 30 Years in Retirement. That's Us. THIRTY Years in Retirement ? ! I am age 61. I guess that makes me a...
Why Work with a Fiduciary?
You know why you want to workwith a Fiduciary ? Because it’s YOUR Money at stake,not a Broker’s. If you get smart about your money …you will likely have more of it. Please see this article : I have...
Expenses Could Derail Your Retirement Plans
Half of Retirees say that they wish they'd budgeted more for these expenses You’re about as likely to guess how much money you’ll need for retirement as you are to predict exactly how long you’ll live. Yet in order to live comfortably in your senior years, you...
Medigap Policies: Not Always Guaranteed Issue
Underestimating Expenses could seriouslyderail your Retirement Plans A Medicare Supplement Policy ( aka – Medigap ) is designed to pay those out-of-pocket medical expenses not covered by Medicare. Buying this policy is optional. It is issued by a private...
Estate Planning: Get Your House in Order
Fraser Allport's Comprehensive Financial Services Fraser Allport provides a wide range of financial services: Certified Estate Planner™ Health Insurance and Medicare choices Social Security and Retirement Planning Pro Bono Workshops on Estate Planning...
Where to Invest Your DROP Lump Sum?
Managing Your DROP Lump Sum: Three Payment Options When you retire from the DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program), your lump-sum payment can be managed in one of three ways: Lump-Sum Payment: Receive a lump-sum payment with 20% withheld for federal income...
Secure Your Retirement: Social Security & Planning
Social Security Income is Guaranteed for Life Social Security benefits provide an income stream you can't outlive, similar to an annuity. Your FRS Pension is also an annuity, offering guaranteed lifetime income. Key Concerns for Retirees: Maintaining...
Why Health Insurance is a Senior’s # 1 Concern
The reason that Seniors worry about their Health Insurance is because, in America, it’s the Medical Bills that will kill you. I will be 62 in 02/21. I am in the same boat as you. Without comprehensive and quality health insurance in USA today … You are in...
Medicare: Covered vs. Not Covered Expenses
Healthcare Expenses & Medicare: What Medicare Covers and What It Doesn't Medicare is not free and does not cover 100% of your medical expenses. You'll still need to pay deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. Some healthcare services aren't covered at...
Longevity is the Next Global Economic Threat
According to The Stanford Center for Longevity … Get Ready for 30 Years of Retirement. Are you financially prepared for Longevity ? Will your Money last as long as you do ? Have you...
The most important Social Security table you’ll ever see
You first need to understand how your full retirement age and claiming age can affect your payout There's little question that Social Security is our nation's most important social program. According to an April-released survey from national pollster Gallup,...
Retiring from DROP Soon? Read This First!
You are in the DROP. Good for you. That’s a smart move. But do you fully understand your DROP ?
What happens to Your DROP Lump Sum when You Retire ?
Beneficiaries for Your Lump Sum Money When leaving the DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program), you have a significant decision regarding your lump-sum payment. Your options are: Lump-Sum Payment: A 20% federal income tax is withheld, and the entire amount is...
Persistence: The Key to Achieving Your Goals
Nothing in the world Can take the place of P E R S I S T E N C E Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated...
Are You financially prepared for Longevity?
Underestimating Expenses Can Derail Retirement Plans
Half of Retirees say that they wish they'd budgeted more for these expenses You’re about as likely to guess how much money you’ll need for retirement as you are to predict exactly how long you’ll live. Yet in order to live comfortably in your senior years, you...
Have You Designated FRS DROP Beneficiaries in Writing?
What Happens if You Die While in the DROP? Beneficiaries for Your Lump Sum Money To ensure your DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program) benefits are properly distributed, specific FRS (Florida Retirement System) DROP Beneficiary Forms must be completed, signed, and...
How to plan for rising Health Care costs in Retirement
Health Care Costs After Age 65?Estimated Costs for 2023 It is estimated that the average couple retiring at age 65 in 2023 will need approximately $315,000 to cover health care expenses throughout retirement. This estimate assumes retirees are enrolled in...
Do You Understand Your FRS Health Insurance Subsidy?
Updated Health Insurance Subsidy (HIS) Information The Health Insurance Subsidy (HIS) is a monthly supplemental payment that helps offset the cost of health insurance premiums for eligible retirees or beneficiaries. The current HIS benefit is $7.50 per month...
How to Find and Claim Your Old Retirement Accounts
Retirement Accounts Leaving a job can be hectic, whether you quit, are fired, or laid off. During this transition, managing a retirement account might fall low on your to-do list. Even though the money you contributed is always yours, retirement accounts can get...
Experience Matters in Retirement Planning
I have been in business for 42 Years. I will be here when you need me. Trust your Retirement to a seasoned Professional. Work with a Fiduciary who is also an Independent. Don’t settle for less. Because of his 42 Years of Knowledge and Experience … Fraser Allport...
Retirement Requirement : “Know Your Numbers”
If You are within 5 years of Retiring … it is time to start planning for the next chapter in Your Life. The Years fly by as we get older. 60 months goes fast. Think about it : People plan vacations and weddings years in advance. But when it comes to retiring from DROP...
Four Ways to Ruin Your Retirement
1) Risk Losing Money late in Life can be both financially and psychologically devastating. 2) Taxes Over-Paying your Income and Social Security Taxes is the Ultimate in Wasting Money. 3) Debt Having Debt in Retirement is like rowing with the anchor out....
DROP Participants: Get Help with Your Benefits Choices
If you participate in The Florida Retirement System’s DROP . . . Now be even more attentive and proactive about your Money
Medicare Part D : Prescription Drug Plan
Most Part D plans charge a monthly premium. Other Part D costs may include a yearly deductible and then co-pays or co-insurance each time a prescription is filled. The specific amount you may pay differs from plan to plan and depends on what tier your specific...
How to Invest Your DROP Lump Sum
With 42 Years of Experience in Financial Services, Fraser Allport can help you with all your DROP, Medicare, and Social Security questions. Be a Good Shepherd of Your Money. Work with a Good Steward of Your Money. Talk with Fraser … an Independent Fiduciary....
What You Need to Know about Signing up for Medicare
Medicare Enrollment When signing up for Medicare, you have several options to consider. Medicare consists of four major programs: Part A: Covers hospital stays. Part B: Covers physician fees. Part C (Medicare Advantage): Allows beneficiaries to receive care from...
Estate Planning : Leaving A Legacy or a Mess
Leaving A Legacy Nobody likes to talk about sickness and death. Those are easy topics to avoid and procrastinate about. Consequently, most people do not have their “ House in Order ”. But doing some simple Estate and Legacy Planning can help give you Peace of Mind...
Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage: Best for You?
Major Financial Decisions in Retirement As you plan for retirement, you will face three major financial decisions: When to Start Your Social Security Deciding when to start your Social Security benefits is crucial. There are also strategies unique to spouses,...
Understanding and Navigating the Complex Medicare Maze
Understanding The Medicare Maze Medicare has strict rules, important deadlines, penalties, and a maze of choices. It can all be costly and confusing. You need to be an Educated Consumer and a Smart Shopper. Your Health Insurance and Medical Expenses are at stake. Here...
The High Cost of Bad Financial Advice
When you retire, it is wise for you to seek out the advice of Professionals to help you invest your DROP Lump Sum and other Assets, choose a Medicare Plan and your optimum Social Security start date, and “ Get Your House in Order ” with Estate Planning. Income Tax...
Can You Collect Social Security While You Are Still Working?
2024 Social Security Earnings Limit for Those Under Full Retirement Age For 2024, the annual earnings limit for individuals under the Full Retirement Age is $22,320. This means that you can earn up to $22,320 without any reduction in your Social Security...
Happy vs. Unhappy Retirees: Key Differences
Learn Why Some People Are Happily Retired, While Others Are Stressed About Their Finances The Differences Between Happy and Unhappy Retirees - 8 Easy Tips 1. The Freedom of Being Debt-Free Retirees without any debt have more flexibility to spend...
Options for DROP Lump Sum Money at Retirement
With 42 Years of Experience in Financial Services, Fraser Allport can help you with all your DROP and Retirement needs. Understanding Your DROP Lump Sum Options Your lump-sum DROP money is paid in one of three ways. Your choices are: As a lump-sum payment, with...
How does your DROP coordinate with your Social Security?
Once you retire ... You will have many decisions, deadlines, and forms. Navigating Retirement Decisions You will face decisions about your DROP, Social Security, and Medicare (or your health insurance options if you are not yet Medicare eligible). Additionally, what...
Coordinating DROP Plan with Retirement Health
Once you retire ... You will need Health Insurance: Medicare, as well as Home Health Care. Planning for Future Needs What are your plans for these two coming needs of yours? An evolution in avoiding nursing home confinement is occurring for all of us as we age....
Are You DROP Retirement Ready?
Now that your participation in the Florida Retirement System’s “Deferred Retirement Option Program” (DROP) is ending, it’s time to decide how to take your DROP payment. Fraser Allport is a Specialist in the DROP Program. Fraser has been a Self-Employed Independent...
Social Security and Income Taxes
Your Income Taxes may just be the single largest expense in your Retirement. Income Taxes are “ The Forever Bill ”. You may need to pay Income Taxes on a portion of your Social Security benefits based on your Income. Specifically, you need to understand the term that...
Need help with Your DROP Paperwork ?
As you prepare to Retire ...You will have many decisions, deadlines, and forms. Congratulations on your upcoming Retirement ! You are about to make some of the most significant and consequential decisions of Your entire Life. You will need to make decisions...
Medicare and Medicare Supplements Explained
I can help you with your Medicare and Medicare Supplement choices. As you head into Retirement, You have three major decisions in front of you : What are your choices for your DROP Lump Sum money ? When should You start Social Security ?Can You utilize Spousal...
Free Report: Maximize Social Security Benefits
Understanding Social Security Benefits Are you missing out on the facts you need to decide when and how to claim your Social Security benefits? Choosing when to apply for your Social Security and how to maximize "Spousal Benefits" will be one of the most...
Avoiding Costly Medicare Mistakes
Medicare Mistakes That Can Cost You Millions of seniors rely on Medicare in retirement, but if you’re not proactive, you could end up paying more for your health coverage and miss out on key benefits the program has to offer. Here are a few Medicare mistakes to avoid....
How to Invest Your DROP Lump Sum?
Important information about your FRS DROP Retirement Plan What Happens to Your DROP Lump Sum Money when You Retire ? With 42 Years of Experience in Financial Services,Fraser Allport can help you with all your DROP and Retirement needs.Your lump-sum DROP money is paid...
Don’t Lose Money in Retirement!
As you prepare to Retire, you are about to make some of the most significant and consequential financial decisions of your entire Life. Whether it be Social Security, Medicare, or where to invest your DROP Lump Sum … these decisions will be with you for the rest of...
Caregiving for Your Loved Ones
The website for The Stanford Center on Longevity states that those in the United States are likely to live to age 90+. Modern Medicine is a two-edged sword : We are living longer, yet what is the quality of Life as we age, and who is taking care of us, especially if...
Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage: Key Differences
Understanding Medicare Options "Original Medicare" refers to Medicare Part A (hospital coverage) and Part B (medical coverage), both managed by the Federal Government. On the other hand, "Medicare Advantage Plans" are a different way to obtain your Part A and...
Will your Social Security benefits be taxed?
For many people, the answer is yes. But proactive planning before you retire could help you minimize Income Taxes on your retirement income. After years of planning for that perfect retirement, diligently investing your money, drawing up detailed budgets and wisely...
Understanding the Risks of Mutual Funds
A person tells me that they are going to invest their DROP into Mutual Funds. Then that person cannot answer how a Mutual Fund really works, or the Risks and Fees involved, nor which of the thousands of Funds are suitable for them ? People often buy what their...
Free Report: 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes
Medicare Mistakes Millions of seniors rely on Medicare in retirement. However, if you’re not proactive and well-informed, you could end up paying more for your health coverage. This could also lead to permanent lifetime penalties, and missing out on key benefits that...
The Road Not Taken: Explore the Choice We All Face
Robert Frost was an American poet( 1874 - 1963 ) Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And...
Your New Year’s Resolution
Your # 1 New Year’s Resolution Get Your House In Order with Estate Planning Fraser Allport offers the following services: Fraser is a Certified Estate Planner™ professional Health Insurance and Medicare choices Social Security and Retirement Planning...
A seasoned Fiduciary with a diverse set of skills.
Experience Matters.
Please see Fraser’s calendar below to schedule a no obligation Complimentary Consultation with him :
Important Information
Fraser Allport is an Independent Fiduciary and the Owner of The Total Advisor, LLC, specializing in Retirement, Income Tax, and Estate Planning. Fraser also focuses on Social Security, Medicare, Long Term Care, and Home Health Care.
Florida License # A 00 44 61 and L 09 47 754
For further Disclosures, please click here.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - By Appointment Only
Fraser Allport - The Total Advisor ™
A Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™
Owner of The Total Advisor ™, LLC
An Independent Retirement, Social Security, Medicare, Long Term Care, Income Tax and Estate Planning Firm
Excellence since 1982.
Our Location
The Total Advisor ™, LLC
2 Oceans West Blvd.
Daytona Beach Shores, FL. 32118-7941
Office: 386 - 256 - 7300
Mobile: 386 - 882 – 6256
Email: [email protected]