Your Income Taxes may just be the single largest expense in your Retirement. Income Taxes are “ The Forever Bill ”.

You may need to pay Income Taxes on a portion of your Social Security benefits based on your Income.

Specifically, you need to understand the term that Social Security uses, which is “ Provisional Income ”.

Your “ Modified Adjusted Gross Income ” can also increase your Medicare Part B premiums. “ MAGI ” is another “ Income Trap ” that you need to be aware of.

Knowing The Rules for both Social Security and Medicare can help you reduce your Income Taxes and also Part B Medicare premiums as much as The Law allows.

It’s Your hard-earned Tax Money going to the IRS and Medicare.
You need to find out if you are over-paying !


Don’t needlessly over-pay your Income Taxes
and Part B Medicare premiums.

What a true waste of Money : Needlessly over-paying
your Income Taxes and Medicare Part B premiums. Ouch !


Every dollar that you over-pay your Income Taxes and Part B Medicare premiums is an extra dollar that YOU can enjoy.

Fraser Allport is the Owner of “ The Total Advisor, LLC ”, an Independent Fiduciary with 42 Years of Experience who specializes in the DROP, Social Security, Medicare, Income Taxes, and Estate Planning.

Fraser is also a “ Certified Estate Planner ™ ” who can help you “ Get Your House in Order ” with Wills and Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives, etc.



Fraser is at 386.882.6256,

from 10am – 6pm, EST, Monday – Saturdays.


Contact Fraser Allport below for your Complimentary Consultation
and FREE
“ Social Security Benefits Planner ”

Fraser Allport: Your Trusted Guide to a Secure Retirement


For over 42 years, Fraser Allport has been a leading financial professional in Florida, specializing in retirement planning. He's committed to helping individuals in Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Space Coast, and Palm Coast navigate the complexities of retirement with confidence.

Why Choose Fraser Allport?


* Proven Expertise: As a Fiduciary, Investment Advisor, and Certified Estate Planner™, Fraser brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
* Independent and Objective: Fraser works for you, not a big company or bank, ensuring unbiased advice.
* Comprehensive Services: From DROP planning and 401(k) rollovers to IRA strategies and estate planning, Fraser offers a full spectrum of services.
* Local Focus: He understands the unique needs of Florida residents, including those in Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Space Coast, and Palm Coast.

Specializing in DROP Planning

Fraser is a recognized Florida DROP Specialist. He helps clients navigate the intricacies of the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP), maximizing their retirement savings. This includes:

* Optimizing un-used DROP sick and vacation days
* Developing a customized action plan for your DROP
* Ensuring you make informed decisions about your retirement funds

Beyond DROP: A Holistic Approach

Fraser's services extend beyond DROP, offering a comprehensive approach to retirement planning:

* Retirement Planning: Tailoring your retirement plan to achieve your goals, whether it's a 401(k) rollover, an inherited IRA, or choosing the best Roth IRA.
* Tax Minimization: Developing strategies to minimize your tax burden in retirement.
* Estate Planning: Creating a plan to protect your assets and ensure a smooth transition for your loved ones.
* Home Health Care: Developing a personalized plan for your home health care needs.
* Annuities and IRAs: Exploring these options to secure your financial future.

Get Your Free Consultation

Don't wait to secure your retirement. Contact Fraser Allport today at 386.882.6256 for a complimentary consultation.

Learn More Online


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 Estate Planning Services:

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Prepare for Retirement ...
and prepare for Longevity.


Because of his Knowledge and Experience for 42 Years ...

Fraser Allport is ... " The Total Advisor™ "

Be Smart with Your Money. Make certain you are


Contact Fraser today for your DROP Retirement Consultation