An Independent Retirement, Social Security, Medicare, Long Term Care, Income Tax, and Estate Planning Firm. Serving Clients since 1982.

From Fraser Allport, The Total Advisor™ 386.882.6256

Fraser’s “ 10 Step System ” helps you take control of your finances, health, and well-being with a holistic approach, so that your Retirement is the best chapter in Your Life Story.

Asking yourself, “ When can I retire ? ” is often the first step in planning your future. Now go a step further and ask yourself what it means to have a happy retirement ? Figuring out what you want to get out of your next phase in life can help determine timing, planning, goals, and a monthly Budget.

Tip # 1 : Find a Purpose

A new chapter in your Life with no alarm clock and work schedule can feel empowering at first. But it might also feel overwhelming depending on your adjustment to retirement. Initially, Retirees often have an “ Identity Crisis ”. Finding a purpose and passion can help you adjust to retirement and map out a future where you are happy, fulfilled, and your day is busy. Your goals will probably be different in retirement, but Goals are still integral to living a full Life, and may lead to better physical and mental health.1

Tip # 2 : Think About Your Health

Just as you’re taking steps to plan a financially secure future, planning for a healthy lifestyle also starts now. Assess your risk factors for common health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes. Checking and managing cholesterol, blood pressure, weight and blood sugar levels regularly can help identify exercise and dietary changes that can make a positive impact on your health and mood in retirement.2 Take some time for yourself, and go see a Doctor for a checkup.

Tip # 3 : Plan for Income

Ok, you’re planning for retirement, but what are you planning for? Travel and spending time with family come in as top retirement interests3, but when thinking beyond The Bucket List, what income sources will be there to cover regular expenses like food, housing, healthcare and transportation? Retirement solutions with benefits like reliable lifetime income and principal protection can help supplement other retirement savings. You do not want a monthly Retirement Budget where your Expenses exceed your Income, so plan ahead with :

  • Lifetime Income. You cannot do a sound Retirement Budget unless you can depend on checks coming in. You need reliable Income, for Life.
  • Protecting your Principal from losses. It is too late in your Life to lose your Nest Egg. You cannot afford to lose Money in Retirement. Fraser is a Fiduciary. His # 1 Rule is “ Don’t Lose Money “.
  • Having Safe-Money Cash reserves. Having a handy liquid reserve for emergencies and enjoyment is critical.
  • Creating an Estate Plan – Wills and Trusts, Powers of Attorney, HIPPA Forms, a Living Will, Final Expense Planning, etc.

Tip # 4 : Stay Positive

Retirement, like many milestones in Life, has ups and downs.4 There are circumstances that can impact your retirement plans, such as having to retire earlier or later than anticipated, or unexpected health issues. Keeping a positive perspective and attitude about this phase of life can help overcome challenges and benefit your overall well-being and sense of happiness.5 Attitude is Everything.

Tip # 5 : Find Your Community

Volunteering or living in a retirement community can lessen the risk of depression in retirement.6 If your career has largely defined your life, finding interests and spending time with other people is a positive way to transition into full retirement. There are many great resources to find volunteer opportunities in your area. Pick your Passion, and then go Volunteer !

Tip # 6 : Keep Learning

“ Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. ” – Henry Ford

Retirement can finally give you the time you’ve always dreamed of to learn how to play an instrument, read great books, or travel the world. Whatever you choose as your new outlets, stimulating the mind not only keeps you busy, but might also keep you healthy. Engaging the brain can have benefits beyond physical health as well, such as improved motivation, confidence, and joy.7

Tip # 7 : Keep Moving

Staying active may positively impact achieving happiness in retirement. Just as your brain needs to stay active for a happier retirement, so does your body. And consequently, keeping your body moving also helps your brain, such as boosting your memory and reducing stress.8 Call it a win, win. Physical activity can also improve your mood, lower blood pressure, control weight, build muscle and help you feel and sleep better.9

Tip # 8 : Plan and Prepare

Don’t procrastinate or leave important decisions to chance. While it’s never too late to start saving for retirement; it’s also never too early to begin saving for retirement. Forty percent of Americans regret not saving earlier. Get ahead of the curve by thinking and planning for retirement now so you can be part of the 25% of America’s workforce who are “ Retirement Ready ”.10

Tip # 9 : Work on Your Bucket List

What have you always wanted to do with Your Life ? Your Bucket List does not have to cost a lot of money in order to be fulfilling. It could be as simple as learning to paint, or doing something outdoors in Nature. Life is full of wonder and surprises, so if you don’t have a bucket list, get started !

Tip # 10 : Seek Out Professional Help. You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

Financial Planning is not a DIY weekend project. Markets change, and managing your money never ends. You Retire, but your Money doesn’t. For the rest of your Life, it is wise to have a financial shepherd who is there for your ongoing financial needs and questions. Like any other Profession, Financial Planning is a Discipline grounded in education and experience. The Financial arena is a global and complex myriad of choices. Seek out a seasoned Professional, because your Money issues will make more sense to you if you have a financial teacher, tutor, mentor, and Life Coach at your side, like a co-pilot. Retirement Planning will involve some of the biggest financial decisions in your Life. There is no room for error, and sometimes, mistakes cannot be un-done. Your Financial Life will be easier if you have someone next to you, explaining and guiding.

  • Fraser Allport, your Florida DROP Specialist, can help you with DROP, Social Security, Medicare, Retirement, Tax and Estate questions. Fraser can help you with all your Financial needs.
  • Fraser’s 42 Years of experience, and his expertise in DROP, are the competence, guidance and leadership you need.
  • If you near Retirement, call Fraser with your DROP, Retirement, Health Insurance and Estate Planning questions.
  • Everyone’s situation is different, so Fraser will customize your Retirement Plan based on your situation.
  • But you cannot make financial mistakes at this stage in your Life.
  • So work with a Financial Professional. It’s unwise and risky to go it alone because you don’t know … what you don’t know.
  • Please see Fraser’s invitation below for a Complimentary Consultation to help you start your Exit Plan to Retirement.
  • Just starting any project is the hardest part, but Fraser can help shepherd you with a Plan of Action, Timelines, and specific Goals.

Contact Fraser today for your DROP Retirement Consultation

Fraser Allport: Your Trusted Guide to a Secure Retirement


For over 42 years, Fraser Allport has been a leading financial professional in Florida, specializing in retirement planning. He's committed to helping individuals in Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Space Coast, and Palm Coast navigate the complexities of retirement with confidence.

Why Choose Fraser Allport?


* Proven Expertise: As a Fiduciary, Investment Advisor, and Certified Estate Planner™, Fraser brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
* Independent and Objective: Fraser works for you, not a big company or bank, ensuring unbiased advice.
* Comprehensive Services: From DROP planning and 401(k) rollovers to IRA strategies and estate planning, Fraser offers a full spectrum of services.
* Local Focus: He understands the unique needs of Florida residents, including those in Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Space Coast, and Palm Coast.

Specializing in DROP Planning

Fraser is a recognized Florida DROP Specialist. He helps clients navigate the intricacies of the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP), maximizing their retirement savings. This includes:

* Optimizing un-used DROP sick and vacation days
* Developing a customized action plan for your DROP
* Ensuring you make informed decisions about your retirement funds

Beyond DROP: A Holistic Approach

Fraser's services extend beyond DROP, offering a comprehensive approach to retirement planning:

* Retirement Planning: Tailoring your retirement plan to achieve your goals, whether it's a 401(k) rollover, an inherited IRA, or choosing the best Roth IRA.
* Tax Minimization: Developing strategies to minimize your tax burden in retirement.
* Estate Planning: Creating a plan to protect your assets and ensure a smooth transition for your loved ones.
* Home Health Care: Developing a personalized plan for your home health care needs.
* Annuities and IRAs: Exploring these options to secure your financial future.

Get Your Free Consultation

Don't wait to secure your retirement. Contact Fraser Allport today at 386.882.6256 for a complimentary consultation.

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Prepare for Retirement ...
and prepare for Longevity.


Because of his Knowledge and Experience for 42 Years ...

Fraser Allport is ... " The Total Advisor™ "

Be Smart with Your Money. Make certain you are


Contact Fraser today for your DROP Retirement Consultation


1 Greater Good Magazine, “How to Find Your Purpose in Life,” 2018.

2  American Heart Association, “Lifestyle Changes for Heart Attack Prevention,” 2018.

3  Forbes, “3 Things Most Americans Want in Retirement and How to Get Them,” 2017.

4  American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology, “Retiring Minds Want to Know,” 2014.

5  Psychology Today, “Positive Attitudes About Aging May Be ‘Fountain of Youth,’” 2016.

6  U.S. News & World Report, “Can Retirement Be a Depression Risk?” 2017.

7  Harvard Business Review, “Lifelong Learning Is Good for Your Health, Your Wallet, and Your Social Life,” 2017.

8  The Guardian, “How Physical Exercise Makes Your Brain Work Better,” 2016.

9  Mayo Clinic, “Exercise: 7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity,” 2016.

10  Indexed Annuity Leadership Council, “The State of America’s Workforce: The Reality of Retirement Readiness White Paper,” 2018.