An Independent Retirement, Social Security, Medicare, Long Term Care, Income Tax, and Estate Planning Firm. Serving Clients since 1982.

With 42 Years of Experience in Financial Services, Fraser Allport can help you with all your DROP, Medicare, Social Security and Retirement questions.


Be a Good Shepherd of Your Money.


Work with a Good Steward of Your Money.


Talk with Fraser … an Independent Fiduciary.


Schedule your no obligation Complimentary Consultation with Fraser Allport, specializing in Retirement, Medicare, Tax and Estate Planning, and Deferred Compensation at :



Your lump-sum DROP money is paid in one of three ways.
Your choices are:


1. As a lump-sum payment, with mandatory 20% withheld for Federal Income Taxes.

2. As a tax-free 100% rollover to your own personal “Self-Directed IRA Rollover” investment account.

3. Or as a combination: a partial lump-sum payment to you, with 20% withheld for Federal Income Taxes, and then the remainder rolled over non-taxable to your new Self-Directed IRA.


What is a ” Self-Directed IRA ” ?


  • Do you know how to complete all of your DROP Exit paperwork, the process, and the Deadlines ?
  • Fraser can help you complete your DROP Termination paperwork, the right way.
  • Fraser can also help you establish your new Self-Directed IRA Rollover account, the right way.
  • Your DROP Lump Sum “rolls over“ non-taxable to your new IRA, and then we chose how to prudently invest this DROP Rollover money for you.
  • Together, we can set-up your new IRA to pay you a Guaranteed Lifetime monthly check.
  • In your Retirement, wise planning could get you three Guaranteed Lifetime monthly checks: Your DROP, Social Security, and IRA checks. Wow – Three Lifetime checks !


You are in the DROP. Good for you.

That’s a smart move.

But do you fully understand your DROP?


  • The Drop is a wise move.
  • But DROP can get complicated.
  • You have many DROP forms, choices, decisions and Deadlines.
  • Do you understand all of your DROP’s details ?
  • All of The FRS Rules, Regulations and Deadlines ?
  • Plus your Rights and Responsibilities in the DROP System ?
  • Your DROP requires your attention. Not a lot of your time. But a little of your time. You will get out of your Retirement … What you put into it.
  • It’s a good investment for you, to spend some time with your DROP.
  • Because it’s your Money, and Every Day in The Drop counts.
  • So get involved with your Retirement Money. Today.
  • No One can care more about your Money than You.
  • Learn more about your DROP, because it’s your Money.
  • That makes common-sense, right ?
  • Understanding your Investments, Medicare, and Social Security.
  • Getting Smart about your DROP, right ?
  • Make a Decision to be proactive about Your Money.
  • Because Every Day in The Drop matters for you.
  • Fraser Allport can make learning about your DROP fast, fun, easy, and free.
  • Your DROP decisions today will be with you financially for the rest of Your Life, literally.


Your Retirement will depend on how much planning you put into it.


It is never too early to plan for your Retirement.


Schedule your no obligation Complimentary Consultation with Fraser Allport, specializing in Retirement, Medicare, Tax and Estate Planning, and Deferred Compensation at :


All of Fraser’s prior DROP articles are archived at :


Fraser is a Certified Estate Planner ™

See Fraser's Estate Planning services here



Watch Fraser’s Educational Videos on
his YouTube channel



Fraser's Biography, Services, and Credentials are at :



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Client references are available for you to speak with upon request.


Be Smart with Your Money. Make certain you are


Experience Matters